
No one is coming to save you. This life is 100% your responsibility


Quit not, sometimes your expectations come unexpectedly.


I'm going to make you so proud one day. Notes to self

I'm going to make you so proud one day                               -note to self

Never announce your moves before making them


Men are given strength by God to protect women so if you hurt a woman you're not a man

Men are given strength by God to protect women. So if you hurt a woman you are not a man. Say yes if you agree

Sometimes you need to sit back and observe not everything needs a reaction


The more you distance yourself from negativity, the more beautiful things come your way

The more you distance yourself from negativity, the more beautiful things come your way.

Don't always tell yourself you deserve better and still be in the same situation, get up and do something. Action is the cure


Real woman is not impressed by money because she knows her love is priceless


Do not let the line in your palm that predicts your future make you confused because those with no hands also has future. Just believe in yourself just believe


Stop searching for happiness from where you lost it


Your last mistake is your best teacher


If you know yourself then you will never be harmed by what is said about you
